Poles are the number of completely separate circuits that can be active through a switch at any time. A single pole (SP) switch opens, closes or changes connections in a single conductor of an electrical circuit. A two-pole or double pole (DP) switch is often used to open, close, or change connections in both conductors of the same circuit, or in two separate circuits.
The throw of a switch is the number of circuit paths that can be controlled by any one pole. Usually the number of "ON" positions that a switch has is the same as the number of throws. A single throw switch (ST) opens or closes a circuit at only one of the extreme positions of its actuator, the most common example being an ON-NONE-OFF switch. A double throw switch (DT) switch opens or closes a circuit at both extreme positions of its actuator, a common example being an ON-NONE-ON switch.
Carling Technologies uses the standard abbreviations below when referencing a switch's configuration of poles and throws:
Carling Technologies offers switches from one to four poles.
Single pole offerings include the following switch product series:
Double Pole offerings include the following switch product series:
Three-Pole offerings include the following switch product series:
Four-Pole offerings include the following switch product series: